Trinity Octopus
Fine-tune every aspect of the listening experience to perfection, and distribute it. The Trinity Octopus is your way to enter the audio journey with a bang. Convert your text into audio, edit it to the finest details, and then distribute it at a massive scale.

A better and stronger audio presence
Directly in the ears of listeners.
A true promise of scalability
Tailor the content to different audiences.

Easily distribute your content
Get in front of more users.
Improve internal communications
circulate your content via audio between clients/team members.

Provide smart audio experiences
How it works
Go a step further and extend the experience with our related solutions
Make sure your voice is heard exactly as you envision, and change the way words and phrases are pronounced.
Choose the voices that best suit your content, and adjust voice styles and accents.
Click to distribute the content via leading streaming audio platforms (Spotify, Google, and Apple podcast), and smart speakers.

Optimal personalization
Quality control AI
Simple CMS
Instant flash briefings
One-click distribution
Full editorial control

Trinity Cast
A version of Trinity Player that refers users to all of your audio content and supports playlists and subscriptions to your audio content on various platforms.

Branded Player
An upgraded version of the Trinity Player that adds the element of native display advertising within the player, complete with the brand’s visual styling.

Trinity Splash
A modular unit (elements can be presented individually) that distributes your content via top streaming audio platforms and voice assistants.